BSCE Program Specifications
The BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING is a professional engineering discipline that deals on the design, construction and maintenance of structures like buildings, roads, dams, bridges and etc. It is one of the oldest branches of engineering, dating back to when people first started living in permanent settlements and began shaping their environments to suit their needs. Early engineers built walls, roads, bridges, dams and levees; they dug wells, irrigation ditches and trenches. As larger groups of people began living together in towns and cities, these populations needed reliable sources of clean water, the means to dispose of waste, a network of streets and roadways for commerce and trade, and a way to defend themselves against hostile neighbors.
A globally recognized Catholic university that nurtures faith, builds passion for excellence and develops lifelong learners with compassion for service that impacts transformation in a fast-changing society.
We commit ourselves to:
provide an excellent educational experience to students to help them become globally competitive and adaptive to change;
inculcate among students the values of serving others with humility and love, working for justice, promoting peace, and preserving the integrity of creation;
engage in research activities in collaboration with local, regional, national and international partners;
uphold the dignity of the persons especially the poor;
promote and strengthen our Filipino culture and values;
administer the university following Catholic doctrine.
Graduates from the College of Engineering and Architecture are expected to achieve the following program educational objectives few years after graduation:
Demonstrate competence in professional and managerial engineering and/or architecture practice in the Philippines and/or abroad with respect to diverse cultures and values.
Adapt to changes in technological and international standards by actively engaging in engineering and/or architecture professional activities, continuous learning, and professional development opportunities with respect to culture and values that influence society.
Engage in professional activities reflecting a profound faith in God, inspired by the spirituality of humble service, and committed to a continuous search for excellence.
By the time of graduation, the students of the Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering program shall have the ability to:
Apply knowledge of mathematics and science in solving complex civil engineering problems considering moral, ethical and intellectual dimensions.
Conduct experiments using appropriate and innovative technologies to enhance one’s performance and productivity.
Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints, in accordance with standards and in response to the changing landscapes in the academe and industry.
Collaborate in diverse, multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams for the common good.
Solve complex civil engineering problems to arrive at workable solutions and innovative programs for the common good.
Practice professional and ethical responsibility for the glory of God, home, country, and the world.
Communicate effectively civil engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large using honest, tactful, and precise language and appropriate media.
Evaluate the impact of civil engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context to address the changing landscapes in the academe and industry.
Engage in life - long learning activities that acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies continuously.
Apply knowledge on contemporary issues relevant to the civil engineering professional practice and putting God as the center of endeavors making lives better for self and others.
Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools to enhance one’s performance and productivity necessary for civil engineering practice.
Demonstrate knowledge of civil engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and work on projects effectively in multidisciplinary environments.
Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and competencies of at least one specialized field of civil engineering practice.
Professional Course-Specialized
A. Construction Engineering and Management
B. Structural Engineering
C. Transportation Engineering
CHED CMO 92 s. 2017
Philippines Institute of Civil Engineers - Singapore Chapter
Student exchange in ASEAN countries
International/National Educational Tour
International/National Research Conferences
National Student Organization Conventions
Council of Deans of Engineering Education (CoDEE) Engineering Congress

Effective starting AY 2018-2019
Effective starting AY 2023-2024

For inquiries, you may contact us through:
Landline: 227-1573 Local 222
Social Media: